
Gas turbine used by Petrotech in North America, Europe, and Middle East

How Does a Gas Turbine Power Plant Work?

In today’s world, a vast amount of resources are rightfully devoted to discovering newer, more efficient, and more affordable ways to create energy. Although early versions of gas turbines were created as early as the year 50 AD, the gas turbine as a major power producer came about just before

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A man working on a steam turbine

How Does a Steam Turbine Work?

Most of the electricity throughout the United States is produced with the help of steam turbine engines—according to the U.S. Department of Energy, more than 88 percent of the energy in the U.S. is produced through steam turbine generators in central power plants such as solar thermal electric, coal, and

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A large power line

Customized Service: When the Company Literally Revolves Around the Customer

At Petrotech, we believe in customer-centered service, which is why we design control systems tailored to fit each customer’s application, delivering our products based on your requirements on-site. Instead of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who may require Long Term Service Agreements (LTSAs) to provide immediate service, we’re able to provide

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A control system in a gas processing facility representing an article that was published in Hydrocarbon Engineering that was written by Petrotech, which has an office in New Orleans, LA

Petrotech’s article published in Hydrocarbon Engineering

2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Petrotech’s article published in Hydrocarbon Engineering’s February 2017 edition. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2017 – In his article, Mr. Roy Milum, Director of Product Development for Petrotech, examines the impact of control system upgrades in gas processing facilities for extraction efficiency improvement. Roy’s article begins on

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Petrotech logo representing a Business In Focus Magazine feature of instrumentation panel supplier Petrotech in Houston, TX

Petrotech Announces the Acquisition of AMOT Systems

2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Petrotech Announces the Acquisition of AMOT Systems. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 20, 2013 – Petrotech, Inc. announces the acquisition of Amot Systems, a division of Amot. As we welcome Amot Systems into Petrotech, Inc., we believe that their expertise in process control systems will be an

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Map of New Orleans, LA showing the location of instrumentation panel supplier Petrotech office in the city.

Petrotech Expands Its Operations

2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Petrotech Expands Its Operations New Orleans, Louisiana, May 29, 2012 – Exciting news! Due to significant growth over the past five years, Petrotech announces the opening of its new, expanded facilities in the New Orleans area, effective May 29, 2012. In addition to maintaining the high-level

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